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Text (5)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
ALRT.txt Text File 43 813b 1992-02-02
DITL.txt Text File 27 566b 1992-02-02
sigQ_1_Signature Text File 5 90b 1992-02-02
vers_1.txt Text File 8 235b 1992-02-02
vers_2.txt Text File 8 221b 1992-02-02

Other Files (150)
hscQ_1 All Null Bytes 2b 1992-02-02
infQ_1 Unknown 38b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1001_The first thing we d Unknown 124b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1002_Suspicion always hau Unknown 205b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1003_Now is the winter of Unknown 182b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1004_Was ever woman in th Unknown 218b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1005_A horse! A horse! Unknown 190b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1006_Kiss me Kate Unknown 79b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1007_A pair of star-cross Unknown 81b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1008_He jests at scars th Unknown 85b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1009_But soft! What ligh Unknown 94b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1010_Oh Romeo, Romeo! Wh Unknown 88b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1011_What's in a name? Unknown 61b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1012_That which we call a Unknown 111b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1013_Parting is such swee Unknown 72b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1014_A plague on both you Unknown 75b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1015_This royal throne of Unknown 137b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1016_This earth of majest Unknown 164b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1017_This blessed plot, t Unknown 146b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1018_No matter where - of Unknown 189b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1019_Let's talk of graves Unknown 192b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1020_For God's sake, let Unknown 233b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1021_So Judas did to Chri Unknown 235b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1022_The course of true l Unknown 121b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1023_The lunatic, the lov Unknown 143b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1024_Lord, what fools the Unknown 106b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1025_If to do were as eas Unknown 146b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1026_Hath not a Jew eyes? Unknown 86b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1027_If you prick us, do Unknown 99b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1028_The quality of mercy Unknown 102b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1029_Life is as tedious a Unknown 105b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1030_To gild refined gold Unknown 70b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1031_This England never d Unknown 120b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1032_Come the three corne Unknown 111b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1033_Nought shall make us Unknown 106b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1034_To pluck bright hono Unknown 123b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1035_Why, thou owest God Unknown 111b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1036_'Tis not due yet; I Unknown 140b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1037_Honor pricks me on, Unknown 149b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1038_What is honor? A wo Unknown 101b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1039_Ill-weaved ambition, Unknown 130b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1040_Oh sleep, oh gentle Unknown 204b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1041_Uneasy lies the head Unknown 171b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1042_That was another cou Unknown 135b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1043_Thy wish was father, Unknown 175b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1044_How ill white hairs Unknown 167b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1045_We few, we happy few Unknown 191b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1046_Sweet are the uses o Unknown 72b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1047_All the world's a st Unknown 95b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1048_Seeking the bubble r Unknown 87b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1049_Second childishness, Unknown 121b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1050_If music be the food Unknown 124b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1051_Beware the ides of M Unknown 78b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1052_The fault, dear Brut Unknown 123b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1053_Upon what meat doth Unknown 106b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1054_Yond' Cassius has a Unknown 135b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1055_It was Greek to me. Unknown 53b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1056_Cowards die many tim Unknown 130b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1057_Et tu, Brute? Unknown 62b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1058_Cry havoc! And let Unknown 109b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1059_Friends, Romans, cou Unknown 115b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1060_I come to bury Caesa Unknown 109b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1061_The evil that men do Unknown 151b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1062_For Brutus is an hon Unknown 135b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1063_This was the most un Unknown 107b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1064_There is a tide in t Unknown 121b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1065_This was the noblest Unknown 107b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1066_How weary, stale, fl Unknown 101b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1067_Frailty, thy name is Unknown 48b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1068_That was a man, take Unknown 101b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1069_The apparel oft proc Unknown 56b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1070_Neither a borrower n Unknown 58b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1071_This above all - to Unknown 66b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1072_Something is rotten Unknown 67b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1073_There are more thing Unknown 111b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1074_The time is out of j Unknown 46b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1075_Brevity is the soul Unknown 49b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1076_Though this be madne Unknown 73b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1077_There is nothing goo Unknown 77b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1078_What a piece of work Unknown 49b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1079_The play's the thing Unknown 41b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1080_What's Hecuba to him Unknown 89b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1081_To be, or not to be, Unknown 63b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1082_To sleep - perchance Unknown 74b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1083_For in this sleep of Unknown 114b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1084_Thus conscience does Unknown 65b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1085_The undiscovered cou Unknown 86b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1086_To hold, as 'twere, Unknown 65b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1087_A king of shreds and Unknown 49b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1088_Alas, poor York. I Unknown 87b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1089_There's a divinity t Unknown 89b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1090_Good night, sweet pr Unknown 46b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1091_In my mind's eye. Unknown 38b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1092_It out-herods Herod Unknown 40b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1093_The glass of fashion Unknown 64b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1094_Sweets to the sweet Unknown 42b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1095_Why, the world's min Unknown 130b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1096_But man, proud man, Unknown 174b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1097_We cannot all be mas Unknown 87b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1098_Who steals my purse Unknown 52b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1099_But he that filches Unknown 117b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1100_O beware, my lord, o Unknown 118b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1101_Put out the light! Unknown 61b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1102_Of one who loved, no Unknown 66b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1103_Nothing will come of Unknown 66b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1104_Come not between the Unknown 79b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1105_How sharper than a s Unknown 104b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1106_Striving to better, Unknown 86b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1107_I am a man more sinn Unknown 81b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1108_Take physic, pomp; e Unknown 98b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1109_The worst is not so Unknown 88b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1110_As flies to wanton b Unknown 149b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1111_Every inch a king. Unknown 55b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1112_Ripeness is all. Unknown 44b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1113_When the hurly-burly Unknown 88b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1114_Fair is foul, and fo Unknown 97b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1115_Nothing in his life Unknown 74b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1116_There is no art to f Unknown 81b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1117_The milk of human ki Unknown 54b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1118_If it were done when Unknown 93b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1119_That but this blow m Unknown 87b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1120_That we but teach bl Unknown 111b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1121_Is this a dagger whi Unknown 90b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1122_But screw your coura Unknown 92b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1123_Sleep that knits up Unknown 71b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1124_I am in blood steppe Unknown 120b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1125_Double, double, toil Unknown 112b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1126_Out, damn spot! Out Unknown 56b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1127_Canst thou minister Unknown 101b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1128_Tommorow and tommoro Unknown 140b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1129_Out, out, brief cand Unknown 46b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1130_Life's but a walking Unknown 140b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1131_It is a tale told by Unknown 98b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1132_Lay on, MacDuff, and Unknown 92b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1133_Full fathom five thy Unknown 65b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1134_Misery acquaints a m Unknown 80b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1135_We are such stuff as Unknown 76b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1136_Oh brave new world, Unknown 82b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1137_Heaven is above all Unknown 188b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1138_Oh how wretched is t Unknown 154b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1139_Cromwell, I charge t Unknown 169b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1140_Let all thy ends tho Unknown 159b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1141_Had I but served my Unknown 215b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1142_Oh, it is excellent Unknown 128b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1143_Thrice is he armed, Unknown 177b 1992-02-02
quoQ_1144_I am a man more sinn Unknown 60b 1992-02-02
scrQ_1 Unknown 117b 1992-02-02
sndQ_1 Unknown 40b 1992-02-02
sptQ_1 Unknown 30b 1992-02-02
vrsQ_1 Unknown 38b 1992-02-02